Thursday, January 20, 2011

Decisions decisions

Chris and I made a BIG least we think it is big.  But not sharing at the moment.....hopefully all turns out well and as planned.    One decision I will share is that our 4.0 GPA's got us into our Master program and we got approved to be duel enrolled, so starting August we will begin Master courses.  Scared but hoping all turns out GREAT!  Also yes we are on the honor roll.  We don't share that much as we really work hard and just feel lucky with how busy our lives are that we are able to work FT, attend school and still make what time we can for our little fam.  But I am happy to think that in 1 year both of us will have our  BBA in Leadership and Influence and then 8 months later our MABC:)  We could not do what we are doing without our work, family and friends supporting us!