Why buy new?
When you can buy used made new again! About a month a go I found the COOLEST, CUTEST, and VERY DIFFERENT bed and dresser set.....of course I attempted to buy them for Payton but they were sold in what seemed like an instant....since then I contacted the seller she bought be an even better set of furniture and is refinishing them the way I want.....check her out and her prices are GREAT! I shopped around forever and she really is dirt cheap and does a GREAT job. Now I am attempting to find cute solid wood bunk beds for the boys to have her redo in shabby chic black and then we are going to do a dresser in red or cream. Once Payton's bedroom set is finished she will post it on her site Oppsredone@blogspot.com ....Payton still does not know as she thinks I have not found anything since I tried to buy the first set! I am getting excited as Melanie says it is almost done and looking great....now I just need a house to put it in:)
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